


I have good news. I met with an accomplished editor last week for the third time. After reading the latest sample, she agreed to work with me to traditionally publish the book!

After this last rewrite (three full rewrites), the story is complete. I’m thrilled with the outcome and you all will be the first to read it. Expect it in January.

I got a data governance job at Simplot, Idaho’s potato and land owner company. I’m thrilled to be back in the office surrounded by intelligent and professional colleagues. What can I say? I thrive in the corporate world. I love getting dressed well and presenting to groups of people ideas and collaborating on goals.

With a good income and being able to financially support myself, I signed a lease for a beautiful condo on the greenbelt of the Boise river. I own nothing to put in it, not even a bed, but it will be the first step of physically leaving the warm caring nest of my parents. They fed, clothed, and housed me when I needed it most (again!).

You all supported me in this journey too. THANK YOU!

Once I get settled in my new job and home, I intend to start writing again. First will be editing the book, second will be writing the advice column. The wisdom gained from writing the book needs to come out in a creative way, and I now have the writing confidence to make that happen. Wahoo!

I love you all. Thank you for holding my hand through this.
