Tía G – Jitters

Tía G – Jitters

Dear Tía G,
I have the jitters about going to a physical location that reminds me of past trauma. I’m going for healing and pleasure, but my body is terrified. Please advise.

Dear Jitters,
Your body’s intelligent warning system wants to keep you safe. It remembers the trauma. Hold a friend’s hand when you go; then you have backup when you need reassurance and comfort. Be gentle; ease yourself into the location, and allow yourself to stop and breathe. Be patient; give yourself time, and do not adhere to a strict timeline. You may need longer than you expect to relax. Use your coping practices; whatever you’ve practiced to address the trauma, use again. (Feel into your body, chant, sing, self-soothe, etc.) Create a new memory; find a way to smile and enjoy yourself in that place to create an evolved, healed association.

Blessings to you in the highest.
Te amo Queridx,
Tía G.

~An Idahoan Writer with Life Wisdom.
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