Tía G – D&E Held Back?

Tía G – D&E Held Back?

Dear Tía G,

It’s me again (Divorced and Embarrassed). Thank you for the advice. I see that recognizing my emotional state and physical needs incites compassion. I’ve come to accept and be unembarrassed about telling people I live with my parents. My question this time around is this: Isn’t living with them holding me back from making new friends and living in cool new places?

Thank you,


Dear D&E,

Of course, choosing to live with your parents limits you. Any decision does so. You determined that you needed their help and that you enjoyed being there. You do not need to change where you live to have new friends or visit cool places.

What is the underlying cause of your dissatisfaction? Are you constantly comparing yourself or suffering from FOMO (fear of missing out)? When you pick out a tea and drink it, are you tasting the flavors or wondering what the other teas taste like?

Write down why you chose to live with your parents. Place it in a prominent place to remind you. If doubts continue, give yourself a check-in date. Tell the thought that you’ll re-evaluate in x number of months. Then enjoy the life that you chose. Cherish it. This is the last time you will have this moment.

If comparison is the culprit, know this: no one else is in your position. Trust yourself. If you feel like you are missing something, evaluate the feeling. If it’s from comparison or FOMO, deny it energy and let that thought die. If it truly is something you need, find a way to add it to your life.

Te amo Querida(o),

Tía G.

~An Idahoan Writer with Life Wisdom.

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