21 Jan Missing Touch
Dear Tía G,
I don’t want a life partner or a boyfriend. I want to lie naked with another body. I’m hungry for it. I downloaded the dating apps, and I haven’t found anyone with the matching chemistry. I refuse to force a connection. The result is that I have not found a person that I’m attracted to, I feel safe with, and aligns with my expectations. Please advise.
~Missing Touch
Dear Missing Touch,
It is well known that skin-to-skin contact is essential for a thriving healthy baby. This is a universal adult need too, although it does not require nakedness.
If nakedness is what you want, then I need to mention that STI’s can be transmitted through nearly any genital touching, so there is a health risk. Get a full STI panel, and learn what to do if you or your potential partner has an STI and how to prevent them. (The estimated rates are HPV 90%, HSV-1 67%, HSV-2 13%, HIV .4%). Practice having a conversation on STI’s, getting tested, and discussing barrier methods and boundaries. Don’t let your hunger become reckless.
If you don’t want a life partner or a boyfriend, then are you not offering financial and emotional support? Be specific on who you are, what you are offering, and what you expect. Accurately reflect yourself and your desires on your profile. Help others find you.
Based on your criteria of attraction, safety, and alignment, this is unlikely going to be quick and casual. Trust builds safety. Becoming acquainted reveals alignment. Learning how to please increases attraction. All of these take time. Stay picky. Finding an actual match avoids harm and guides you to healing and healthy relationships. However, what you are looking for requires patience. You’re worth it. And so are they.
Longing and hunger are intense sensations. Try this: when you feel that intensity, imagine that it pumps through your veins as nourishment. Imagine you are satisfied not through what you are seeking, but in the desire itself. Savor the intensity.
Let your desire form into notes and words, a prayer song from your heart. May your heart sing each night a song that is as sweet as the imagined lover. Give your heart’s song time to send its message and for the receiver to hear it. Your desire will be answered. Beyond your wildest dreams.
Blessings to you in the highest.
Te amo Queridx,
Tía G.
~An Idahoan Writer with Life Wisdom.
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