Woke up thinking, I need to be buried in the earth.This is as close as I got....

Let me introduce to you Tía G.She is an advice columnist sharing wisdom gathered through a diverse set of life experiences.You can ask her questions anonymously through this link (CAPS matter):bit.ly/AskTiaGor email her at AskTiaG@gmail.com--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tía G,I am thirty-six, recently divorced, and living with my parents....

AHHHH, so many things.1. THANK YOU for supporting me and my writing. The fact that you read my stuff and give me $$ to do it is fuel for me to KEEP GOING. I'm refining a skill I intend to get better at for the...

I recently went on a ten-day Vipassana course in Lava Hot Springs, Idaho because after writing every day for an entire year I needed a break from words. I heard friends talk about it as being a helpful experience underlined by silence, no communication for...

"Help!" I whimpered. "Help me please." I curled into a half-moon, holding my belly on the bed. A nonstop contraction made my bowels feel like knots. Tossing and turning, I hoped for relief to no avail. I no longer felt like I needed to throw...

Hi Friends.Twelve weeks of writing a chapter a week are complete! Phew! (Hand to brow with a flick.)And now, I'm burnt out. I tried writing the last chapter - day 33 - but it would cause more stress than is healthy with the remaining time...

Hi Friends. I decided social media doesn't work for me. You all are investing in me - I'd like to share my life with you. <3...

I felt like shit. Shitty. Fucking shitty.I slept little due to discomfort and adjusting to the many noises of the city. Airplane after airplane, the flashing lights and mechanical noises from trucks loading or unloading beyond the fence, the high-pitch hiss of electronics not quite...

As I got closer to Salt Lake City late last night, the first thing I noticed was the smell: rotting half-eaten McDonalds hamburgers and old soda, black smoky exhaust, oily gasoline fumes, a hot metal skillet. None of these smells existed in the forest; they...

I stepped out of the hot pools, after soaking in the early morning light. The steam sparkled like diamonds under a bright blue sky. I felt no hunger, only bliss.I took a second step out of the pool. The innards of my head pulled downward,...