I need spiritual support

I need spiritual support

Dear Tía G,

I need community, specifically spiritual support. I’ve become an introvert over the pandemic, and I don’t know where to find such a group. I’m looking for those devoted to internal investigation. Where do I start? Where do I meet them? How do I have the courage?

~ Needing Spiritual Support

Queridx Needing Spiritual Support,

Life during the pandemic can be isolating, verdad. Before you start, contemplate what you need. Get specific and write it down. It may be as simple as “being witnessed and witnessing others.” Do you have one person you go to for spiritual support? Express your desire to them and see if they would be interested in meeting regularly. It doesn’t need to be big to be impactful. Start small and let it organically grow to meet your needs.

What does a person “devoted to internal investigation” spend their time doing? Volunteering? Reading philosophy? Becoming a master at a craft? Writing? Praying? Yoga? Taking care of their family? Meditating? Practicing Reiki? Whatever you expect from the spiritual community you seek, do that for yourself and you will find people with mutual interests. Look up and go to corresponding events such as book signings, workshops, and retreats. Or hire a coach, intuitive healer, psychic, or person in your preferred field who has access to a strong spiritual support system. Ask them about local events.

Meeting new people and clearly stating what you need may take you out of your comfort zone, require effort, and be scary, but you can do it! Remember at the end of the day, your value does not depend on others. Take deep breaths, and try one idea at a time. Even if your efforts produce no community right away, your character will be a little braver. The next inquiries might get a little easier too.

Blessings to you in the highest.

Te amo Queridx,

Tía G.

~An Idahoan Writer with Life Wisdom.

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